Offices and workspaces not set-up ergonomically make your employees susceptible to repetitive motion injuries (RMI's) such as carpal tunnel syndrome and back injuries. These injuries cost employers
more than $60 billion annually in workman's compensation claims. Ergonomic solutions reduce this risk and improve productivity by eliminating unnecessary motions, providing proper seating support
and fitting the worker to the workspace.
What Is Ergonomics?
Ergonomics is the science of fitting the job to the worker. When there is a mismatch between the physical requirements of the job and the physical capacity of the worker musculoskeletal disorders
(MSD's) can result. For example, workers who must repeat the same motion throughout their workday, who must do their work in an awkward position, who must use a great deal of force to perform their
jobs, who must repeatedly lift heavy objects or who face a combination of these risk factors are most likely to develop MSDs.
Office Partitions
General Use: | Commercial Furniture |
Type: | Office Furniture |