High achievers are few and far between. If you are one of those, you are a rare breed. It is people like you who carry your company to the top of the league. Therefore, it is a fair assumption that you deserve a few luxuries: Beginning with an elegant Leatherboss Chair. Made from the highest grade lather available, a Leatherboss Chair will project an image of you as a person of refined tastes; and that the company you work for holds you in high regard. What is even more important is that it is specially designed for comfort. The chair incorporates the best relax-mechanism and is fitted with features that will provide you with optimum positions in sitting comfort. It is available with low, medium or high back. Leatherboss Chair - only for those who deserve and accept nothing less than the best.
Leatherboss Chair - only for those who deserve and accept nothing less than the best.
General Use: | Commercial Furniture |
Specific Use: | Office Chair |
Type: | Office Furniture |