An important detail of our company is the geographical situation, because this factorMakes our prices competitive worldwide.The company galaxy plaza ltd. Is a bulgarian private company, established in 1996 andSpecialized in design, production, delivery and installation of the fully furnishing for houses,Stores, hotels, casinos, bars, coffee-houses, restaurants, offices and anything else upon ourClients' requirements.We have developed our own metal production, which is specialized mainly in making gamblingMachines for casinos worldwide. We are also producing rails, parapets, security doors, metal constructions and everything upon our clients' requests.For the metal production it is important to mention, that the end of september we areReceiving our new-bought mazak 2 dimensional/3 dimensional co2 laser processingMachine - space gear 48 mark II. You can be sure, that with such machine there are no suchThings as impossible to proceed metal details. This machine is going to be the only one of aKind in Bulgaria and we are going to have no competition with it.All of our machines are new-bought, so the quality if needed can be very high.The company's technical department, which employs around 10 qualified engineers, has thePotential for quick and quality development of products in accordance with clients'Design and needs. Our team of engineers are using the known in the branch programs asAutocad, solid works,3D studio max, so we can make the whole project for you. There is alsoAn option if you what to see what the final result will be, we can make a 3D animation forYou. This option costs more, but it is good if you want to have a better perspective.We have made many luxury houses, stores, hotels, casinos, bars, coffee-houses, offices, apartmentsAnd so far, so we have gathered a lot of experience for the last 9 years.We have a lot of catalogs with different international design, that we can make 1:1, also youCan give us your design and we can only produce it for you.All of the materials for our production are imported from Germany, Austria, Italy and Spain.And following is the technical data for the capacity of processing of the mazak 2 dimensional3 dimensional co2 laser processing machine - space gear 48 mark II:Simulations 6 axis control laser processing machine for worksheets and cubic workpieces.Aluminum 8mmStainless steel 12mmMild steel 20mmAxis stroke:X axis y axis z axis2775mm1270mm420mm5")A axis b axis360 degreeMinus) 135 degreeMinus)Rapid traverse rate:X, y, z axis:24m/min(945inmin)A, b axis:9600degree/minC axis:12000degree/minOur company web site.I am looking forward to hearing and doing business with you.
An important detail of our company is the geographical situation, because this factor
Makes our pri
Port: | Vratza,Bulgaria |
Wood Style: | Solid Wood |
Model No: | FRN-Production |
Place of Origin: | Bulgaria |
Metal Type: | Aluminum |
Material: | Metal |
General Use: | Commercial Furniture |
Type: | Office Furniture |