The tender age group of 9-17 years possesses a unique characteristic of absorbing unlimited details in various fields. The Hammock provides children in this age group a chance to enhance their
hidden potential. The programmes are aimed at boosting child's self-confidence, self belief and preparing them to meet challenges through a varied curriculum of fun, games and
The camp offers activities like rock climbing/rappelling, archery, hiking, rope courses, crafts, educational workshops and debates. Besides, activities like digging fossils, picking vegetables,
washing clothes, singing songs or putting up a play arouse joy, team spirit and a pride in accomplishment. To avoid monotony, our campers and counselors offer different set of activities each
We have a team of trained professionals, staff and counselors, under whose watchful eyes the children perform all the activities. Medical personnel are available at all times to provide health tips
and attend to any emergency.
good Corporate Camps To nurture child's identity and personality