Phillip Torsten Davidsen.
Phone +45 27 83 80 06
Phone +45 27 83 80 08 DK 30 94 36 43.
3500 Vaerloese
Bymidten 39-01
You are allways welcome to visit our company:
All solutions are developed and designed for being the most innovative and most interesting concerning profit.
We have designed products as:
We design and develop new customer products from the small project and to the largest projects in Denmark.
Highest experience and still the most innovative company in Denmark.
The team of designers has been in the business for more than 25 years.
NUBO.NU is a danish company. The headquarter is located 20 km from the center of Copenhagen.
We can supply extruded aluminiumprofiles in high quality and at fair prices.
Highest service and new designed products.