Centuries ago began the great romance of man trying to give .expression to his deeper yearnings. Thus sparked off the creative genius of people in the many splendoured land of Uttar Pradesh. .
Today as the endless lure of the prized treasures of the Handicrafts of Uttar Pradesh spreads across India and the world, let us gently pause at some pulse points- Marblecraft and Stoneware from
Agra, Brassware from Moradabad and Aligarh, Woodcraft from Saharanpur, Leather goods from Kanpur and Agra, and Floor coverings from Bhadohi-Mirzapur, Agra and Hathras. But these are just moments
within the phenomenal creative platform of Uttar Pradesh, where every creation ever seeks succour and strength from the one and only the source of enchanting Handicrafts of Uttar Pradesh.
Come, indulge yourself in the timeless and timely world of art and craft. The world of Uttar Pradesh Export Corporation.