Luxury & Collectibles
QuestNet showcases two superior brands within its Luxury & Collectibles line. Bernhard H. Mayer?offers a range of timeless and fashionable timepieces and jewellery,backed by a long
tradition of knowledge and experience in creatingquality, inspiring designs. JR Mayer Collections? is areputable numismatics company, expertly crafting limited-mintage coinsand
medallions, which commemorate landmark historical events, iconicfigures, architectural monuments, and the religions of the world inmagnificent works of art.
About the Brand
History and Philosophy
JR Mayer Collections? is internationally recognised and has rapidlybecome a reputable brand of coins and medallions. Its exclusivecollection of limited-mintage coins and medallions are attributed
to ablend of extensive research and development, advanced mintingtechnology, and the legendary skills of its Mint Masters.
At the core of the philosophy behind JR Mayer Collections?, is theunwavering commitment to provide high-quality products that meet theversatile needs of its clients. While keeping a strong
relationshipwith its worldwide customers, JR Mayer Collections? has also partneredwith national banks, international reputed organisations and reputablemints worldwide to maintain and ensure the
value that collectorsreceive from JR Mayer Collections products.
Dome of the Rock with Crystal Coin
In Honour of an Immortal Faith
In honour of the holy splendour of the Dome of the Rock, the Dome ofthe Rock with Crystal Coin in proof 5g fine silver, features brilliantSwarovski crystal fabric on the Dome of the Rock, as well
as GreenSwarovski crystal on the door of the religious sanctuary. Portrayingthis impressive image, the remarkable coin set will forever representthe pride and glory of the immortal faith of
Dome of the Rock with Crystal Coin
Diameter 65 mm
Weight 5.00 oz
Content FineSilver 999/- with Swarovski Fabric and Green Swarovski
Quality Proof
Edge Milled
Issue Year 2005
Limited Mintage 17777
Denomination 20000Shillings
Issuing Authority Central Bank of Somali Republic
Glittering at the heart of the Noble Sacred Enclosure in Jerusalem is the Dome of the Rock,one of the most splendid and enduring Islamic monuments. Built in the7th century on a
sacred ground to commemorate the ascension to heavenof the Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon Him) in his famous nightjourney, the Dome of the Rock is much revered among the Muslims as the3rd holiest
place after Makkah and Madinah, also being the first everuniversal direction of prayer. The octagonal structure is the greatestmonumental building in early Islamic history and remains today one
ofthe most sublime artistic genius of time.
n honour of the holy splendour of the Dome ofthe Rock, QuestNet unveils the Dome of the Rock with Crystal Coin inproof 5 g fine silver with brilliant Swarovski crystal fabric on theDome of the Rock
and Green Swarovski component on the door of thereligious sanctuary. Portraying the image of the impressive Dome of theRock, the remarkable coin set will forever represent the pride andglory of the
immortal faith of Islam.
heart of the Noble Sacred Enclosure in Jerusalem is the Dome of the Rock, one of the most splendid and enduring Islamic monument
Use: | Art & Collectible |
Style: | Religious |
Material: | Crystal |