Since the beginning of time,crystals have proved to be ofgreat value to mankind. Crystals are used to increase wealth,longetivity, relationships and for power & popularity. Theyhave curative powers
as well as the power to pour in fortune &drive away evil. Certain crystals have the power of healing &fortune giving & have made life happier for many people.
HOUSE PROTECTION YANTRA "Crystal PositiveEnergy Yantra" when placed outside the main doorcan block negative energyentering your home / office / factory / shop. This yantra can absorbs allnegative,
unbalanced energy that may come into your premises transforming itinto positive, balanced energy. Remember, Positive Energy breeds PositiveEnergy. Positive energy will help you achieve your
HOUSE PROTECTION YANTRA when placed outside the main door can block negative energy entering your home/office/factory/shop.
Material: | Crystal |
Product Type: | Block & Cube |
Material: | Crystal |