Crystalpyramid can create a spherical field of harmonic vibrations arounditself. Everything within that field begins moving towards harmony.
Results may vary from person to person according to age, and disease conditions. Outcome depends often upon unknown factors.
Crystalpyramid can balance & harmonize the aura around us and remove thenegative energy, therefore when we place this crystal pyramid, in ourhome or office, the place is purified by the power of crystal and vastudefects can be rectified
Vastucorrections can be done by neutralising this negative energy by strongpositive energy radiating devices like energized pyramids.
It can be used to cleanse the atmosphere of large areas - our homes or places of work as well.
The crystal pyramid is itself a forceful field of light and energy which can be used as a sonic protections against negativity
Crystalpyramid structure emits positive energy which can neutralize thenegative energy caused within any premises due to incorrect vaastu.
A crystal pyramid can be used to draw off negative energy and blockage from the chakras.
Crystalpyramids are wonderful gifts for the home or office, where they can beplaced to create a strong healing vibration and clear the atmosphere ofnegative energies, enabling us to awaken the gentle art of living inharmony.
Crystal pyramids are wonderful gifts for the home or office, where they can be placed to create a strong healing vibration and c