Tetrasil (France) Corning 7940; GE -151, Dunnasil (USA) The optical blank quality performance is regulated by GOST 15130-86 standard "Optical Quartz Glass":Optical quartz glass, transparent in UV visible light, without absorption bands in the wavelength range of 170 to 250 nm, with a strong absorption band in the wavelength range of 2,600 to 2,800 nm, non-luminescent, optical radiation resistant It is produced in a high-temperature hydrolitic degradation process using ultra pure silicon tetrachloride. Type KU-1 quartz glass is produced in the form of blanks shaped as discs or rectangular wafers delimited by parallel surfaces measuring:up to 400 mm in diameter or diagonal,up to 50 mm thick. Manufacturing process: high-temperature hydrolitic degradation of SiCl4 using oxyhydrogen flame.Total metal admixtures ? 1 x 10-4; OH impurities (0.1 - 0.2), chlorine (1- 3) x 10-2.
Foreign-made equivalents:
4040 (Japan)
Spectrasil (England)
Suprasil (Germany)
Material: | Crystal |