Ganeshais the destroyer of obstacles. Ganesha gives success in undertakings,and intelligence. He is worshipped before any venture is started. He isalso the God of education, knowledge and wisdom, literature, and thefine arts. Crystal receives and transmits the energy hence it is goodconductor of energy. Therefore Ganesha shaped crystal is more effectiveand sacred than ordinary Crystal.
Crystalganesha catches the light and reflects beautiful rainbows. It is asymbol of radiant white light energy. Its power lies in its structurereaching towards light form type depths of the earth.
The crystal actsas a catalyst, a conductor of energy. It is a both a receiver andtransmitter. Crystal attune themselves automatically to humanliberations because of their affinity with human
spirits writingspiritual links when they one worn or held. Crystal protect you fromoutside negative vibrations.
Crystal Ganesha -The destroyer of Obstacles, offered by online astrology services provider in Ahmedabad, India
Regional Feature: | India |
Style: | Religious |
Material: | Crystal |