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Vietnam Handicrafts, Vietnamese Handicrafts, Vietnam Handcrafts,Vietnamese Handcrafts, Vietnam Crafts, Vietnam handcrafted products, VietnamHandicraft Products, Vietnamese Handicraft Products, Vietnam Giftwares, VietnamGifts, Vietnam Gift Products, Vietnam gift items, Vietnam promotion gifts,Vietnam Corporate gifts, Vietnam Home Decor Products, Vietnam wall decor, Vietnam walldecor products, Vietnam Handmade homewares, VietnameseHandmade homewares, Vietnam Handmade housewares, Vietnam handmade homeaccessories, Vietnam handmade decorative accessories, Vietnam Wooden Crafts, Vietnam woodenproducts, Vietnam Furniture, Vietnam wooden Furniture, Vietnam home furnishings, Vietnam homefurniture, Vietnam Lacquer, VietnamLacquerware, Vietnam Lacquerwares, Vietnamese Lacquer, Vietnamese Lacquerware,Vietnamese Lacquerwares, Vietnam Lacquer products, Vietnamese Lacquer products,Vietnam Lacquerware products, Vietnam handmade lacquerwares, Vietnam handmadelacquer, Vietnam handmade lacquer products, Vietnam Jewelries, Vietnam handmadeJewelries, Vietnam Bamboo, Vietnam Woven Bamboo, Vietnam Woven Bamboo products,Vietnam Lacquered bamboo, Vietnam Lacquered bamboo products, VietnamBamboowares, Vietnam Bamboo products, Vietnam Bamboo Crafts, Vietnamese Bamboo,Vietnamese Bamboo products, Vietnam Coiled Bamboo, Vietnam pressed Bamboo,Vietnam pressed Bamboo products, Vietnam Spun Bamboo, Vietnam Coiled Bambooproducts, Vietnamese Coiled Bamboo, Vietnamese Spun Bamboo, Vietnam BambooFurniture, Vietnam Rattan, VietnamRattanwares, Vietnam Rattanwares, Vietnam Rattan Products, Vietnam RattanCrafts, Vietnamese Rattan, Vietnamese Rattan Products, Vietnam Seagrass,Vietnam Seagrass Products, Vietnam Fern,Vietnam Fern products, Vietnam Jute products, Vietnam Ceramics, Vietnam Ceramicproducts, Vietnamese Ceramics, Vietnamese Ceramic products, Vietnam Porcelain,Vietnam Porcelain products, Vietnam Silk, Vietnamese Silk, Vietnam Silk products, Vietnamese Silk products, VietnamEmbroideries, Vietnam Embroidered products, Vietnamese Embroideries, VietnameseEmbroidered products, Vietnam Horn Products, Vietnam Buffalo horn products,Vietnam Seashell products, VietnamHandbags, Vietnam handbag products, Vietnam Handmade Handbags, VietnamEmbroidered Handbags, Vietnamese Handbags, Vietnam water Hyacinth, Vietnamwater Hyacinth products, water Hyacinth baskets,
Oriental Star., JSC is one ofVietnams leading companies in designing, producing and exporting a diverserange of quality & unique handmade products, Homewares, Home decors, Giftwares,Handbags, Crafts as well as other types of handcrafted items to customersworldwide. Our range includes Vietnam Rattan Furniture, VietnamRattan Producers, Vietnam Rattan Manufacturers, Vietnam Rattan Exporters,Vietnam Rattan Suppliers, Vietnam Rattan Wholesalers, Vietnam Rattan baskets,Vietnam Rattan basketries, Rattan Products, Rattan Crafts, Rattan Baskets, RattanLaundry Baskets, Rattan Laundry bins, Rattan hampers, Rattan boxes, RattanBoxes, Rattan Bowls, Rattan Trays, Rattan Tables, Rattan Chairs, Rattan Stands,Rattan Stools, Rattan Placemats, Rattan Coasters, Rattan Table runners, RattanTable mats, Rattan Tablewares, Rattan desktopwares, Rattan Rugs, Rattanmats, Rattan curtains, Rattan Blinds, RattanDishes, Rattan Plates, Rattan Vases, Rattan Lamp Bases, Rattan Planters, RattanHandbags, Rattan jars, Rattan furniture, Rattan gift boxes,
This rattan tray with ceramic in centre is 100% handmade with the best quality and very good price
Payment Terms: | L/C,T/T,Western Union |
Place of Origin: | Vietnam |
Type: | Tableware |
Material: | Wicker |