We are manufacturers & exporters of high quality & " xclusiv" designer jute & cotton bags. These bags are completely eco-friendly & can be used as a substitute for common plastic bags. Furthermore, these bags are walking billboards & are an excellent measure of visual advertisement. We have a handsome amount of experience in the jute & cotton bags segment & strongly feel that we can cater to your requirements. Moreover, we do not believe in compromising quality for quantity.Our product line includes: -Shopping jute bagsJute carrying bagsGift & promotional bagsChristmas bagsBottle bagsTote bagsBeach bagsFruits & vegetable bags.Grocery bagsFashion & cosmetic bagsDrug & chemist bagsDrawstring bagsBackpacksDuffle bagsLaundry bagsWe specialize in OEM jobs & can assure you of top class quality & on time shipment.
We are manufacturers & exporters of high quality & " xclusiv" designer jute & cotton bags. These bag
Eco-Friendly: | Yes |
Type: | Bag |
Model Number: | xc/jwb/667 |
Product Type: | Bag |
Type: | Jute |
Material: | Wicker |