This basket is round with a wood bottom, made from reed and wicker with blue and green accents. The blue beads represent blueberries. Since, Ely is famous for its Blueberry Arts Festival, this basket was designed with that theme in mind. It is fairly small and can be used as an accent in any room, or as a container for soaps, potpourri, or other small items. Sharon, co-founder of Weavers in the Wilderness, exhibits at the Blueberry Arts Festival and Harvest Moon Festival in Ely, MN and at the Goods for the Woods marketplace in Grand Rapids, MN. She has lived in Ely for 8 years and developed her interest in basket weaving over 12 years ago. She not only creates baskets, herself, she has introduced hundreds of others, adults and children alike, to the joys of basket weaving through private and group lessons. She also teaches at Kollege for Kids at Vermilion Community College in Ely, MN.
Blueberry Basket #16431
Use: | Art & Collectible |
Product Type: | Basket |
Material: | Wicker |