6. Using 20cm diameter product for every 18 square meters area in the room.
5. The normal service life of our product is 8-10 years. To expose the charcoal crafts in the sunshrine for 3--5 hours every 3 years to refresh the effection
4. Clean the surface of charcoal crafts by dry towel, but not by water or other liquid detergent.
3. Avoid to use charcoal crafts in high density, big granule polluted circumstance such as building site, industrial factory etc.
2. Set the charcoal carving at a proper high and safe place inside the room
1. Dilacerate poly bags before using the charcoal carving
Charcoal Crafts Using Method
4. Activated carbon crafs possess minus ion purging air efficiency, far infrared warm reaction, which can help people to accelerate blood cycle, ameliorate sleeping quality, eliminate tiredness and create comfortable and healthy environment for people
3. Activated carbon crafs can restrain the multiply of mildew and animalcule and reach an efficiency of accommodating humidity and preventing moulding.
2. Activated carbon crafts can prevent harm to body created by hertz waves coming from TV, computer and cell phone.
and similar gas, ammonia , niton, sulfur dioxide and other smog or smell to purity air and eliminate pollution
1. Activated carbon crafts can absorb all kinds ot poisonous gas indoor air such as carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, benzene
Charcoal Crafs Function
.5.Activated carbon craft could not Qnly purge air but also be a courtlike arts and crafts which offen be used as gifts for personal or commerce purpose.
will not create second pollution to environment .
Activated carbon craft is compete natural environmental product and no energy exhausted in the process of physical absorption,
4. Has no poisonous effect or side effect.
So it can be widely displayed in families, hotels, offices, automobiles
Activated carbon carve has great arts additive value because they are made by artisan adopt hand carving and painting technique.
3. Wide application field.
Normally speaking, Activated carbon crafs can reach long using life as 8 to 10 years.
2. Long service life.
adequately. Activated carbon crafs can absorb impurity and purge air easily because of this special structure.
Activated carbon crfats has abundant hole--structure which makes carbon carve large surface area and touch contaminative air
1. Excellent absorption ability.
Charcoal Crafts Character
activated carbon hand carving craft
used indoor
to purify the air can be customerized