Many Other Styles And Materials Available. Give Us A Call!
SIGN...SIGN...Everywhere a sign! But I bet you never gave a thought as to how or where to get a totally customized sign for your fire department or business. Well, youe come to the
right place, because Colorfully Yours Inc. now offers sturdy metal signs, custom designed and imprinted for all of your needs. Guaranteed to last through the hottest of summers and
coldest of winters. Many stock sizes and ink colors to choose from.
12" x 18" Aluminum Sign
12" x 18"
Additional Color
Prices includes straight line copy. Any custom design would be an additional charge. All standard colors available. Colors may be reverse printing at no extra
charge. All colored backgrounds require a 1/2" border around the sign. Material is .032 Aluminum with white baked enamel background on both sides. Pricing for large
quantities upon request. For second side imprint same copy, add $3.50 per sign per color. 1/4" hole drilling available at .25 each. Shipping Additional.