Pool Account: Customer's who wish to leave their metals unpriced may open a pool account at no additional cost.
These are sample terms only. We will customize each transaction to suit your specific needs.
Metal Pricing: We price our metals using the New York and London markets.
Payment Schedule: Payable immediately upon completion of processing.
Form of Payment: Payment will be in the form of a company check, bank wire transfer or the return of bullion at the customer's request.
Processing Time: Typically completed within 5 to 7 business days from the date of receipt.
No Other Charges
Silver Metal Content: 40% to 99.99%
Payable Silver: 80-90% of Silver recovered
Minimum Lot: 100 troy ounces
Silver flake from film processors
Electrolytic Silver Flake
Silver Flake
Type: | Wire |
Material: | Metal |