The currently available version of this eagle has an outstretched 'grasping' claw.
The finish shown is stunning gold made with an actual gold paint filled with 24 carat gold and sealed with a clear epoxy.
This work included sculpting and casting a new claw, foot and talons.
Architectural Iron not only restored this eagle in a very short time, but completely replaced the missing left claw to give the finished masterpiece see in these photos.
This eagle has a tip of beak to tip of tail dimension of approximately 48 inches and weighs approximately 480 pounds.
This eagle has a wingspan of 82 inches and an overall height of 73 inches.
This stunning cast iron eagle was restored and delivered in November of 2003 for the main entrance to the new Kentucky Veteran's Cemetery near Fort Campbell, Kentucky. Fort Campbell is home to the 101st Airborne Division (The Screaming Eagles).
This stunning cast iron eagle was restored and delivered in November of 2003 for the main entrance
Technique: | Casting |
Type: | Gold |
Material: | Metal |