Deep Moisturizing & Anti-Ageing Effects
The well known basic skin protection is to supply and maintain a
moisture of skin. Supply of moisture to skin is an absolute essential.
Furthermore, keeping the moisture within the horny layers of skin is
very important. The product has been developed especially for use in
dry seasons like autumn and winter and for the benefit of those with a dry skin. CO2 GEL Face is an excellent product for keeping the balance
between oil and moisture. Against phenomenons of face lines and
roughness due to dryness, slowing metabolism and ageing, CO2 GEL
Face effectively helps revitalize your skin to the healthy condition.
CO2 GEL Face acts as a prevention of such ageing phenomenons.
Bohr Effects
Vitalized metabolism by CO2 is realized by increased oxygen supply from the
red blood cells raising the oxygen partial pressure inside the tissue. More oxyg
en the more active metabolism and stronger the self-renewal hence skin troub
les, ageing and scars could be better dealt with. CO2 easily reaches blood vessels from skin, and melts in the blood helping hemoglobin to carry more oxygen to cells.
Anti-inflammation effects
Inflammation often results in rough skin. The skin condition can be improved
by inhibiting inflammation. Although acne cannot be treated directly by CO2,
CO2 can inhibit inflammation and help natural healing.
Improving Blood Flow
Red blood cells must reach every part of the capillary vessels around the skin,
and blood must flow well to supply oxygen to each and every cell. CO2 absorb
ed into the skin works to purify the blood.
Vasovagal reaction
The vasovagal reaction improves blood circulation of the skin by vitalizing
metabolism of the skin cells for healthy skin. Healthy skin is essential to make
skin beautiful. This is one of the reasons why CO2 makes skin beautiful.
Face Slimming Effects
One of the major skin elements is called phospholipid which is formed in double layers. With CO2 GEL Face, CO2 is generated by combining the
mask and
the gel, and is absorbed into the phospholipid layers by the defusing de-gassi
ng structure (DDS). CO2 then densifies the tissues by the slimming effects.
Effortlessly unlike an exercise to slim, you can easily benefit from the face
slimming effects.
You will be surprised to see your face clarified, brightened and
whitened after using CO2 GEL Face
Physiological action of CO2 when absorbed into the skin
and metabolism of skin is palpated.
When CO2 is absorbed into the skin, the more O2 is supplied to the skin texture
CO2 promotes an increase of O2 supply that is required for cell metabolism.
CO2 Absorption Effects
20-30 minutes to be effectively absorbed into the skin
Reaction of the gel and mask takes
CO2 is generated. It is then quickly and effectively absorbed into the skin.
CO2 GEL Face consists of gel and sheet mask. Just by combining these two,
New Technology of CO2 GEL Face
Co2 Face Gel Pack