The style of painting employed on that paper machie was devised in Persia and introduced from three centuries ago. It is now employed for decorating a variety of objects made from close grained white wood. The varnish coating is made by boiling clear copal (sunders) in pure turpentine. It is said when zain-ul-abidin became the king of Kashmir. He brought work men and manufacturers of paper machie from Persia. During the coarse of time Kashmir wokmen developed skill and now finest paper machie work is done only in Kashmir.
A term embracing numerous manufacturers, in which paper pulp is employed, pressed and moulded into various shapes. The material for the more common type of paper machie is old waste and scrap paper, repulped and mixed with glue and pasted. To this large quantity of ground chalk, clay and fine sand is added. Until the preparation is little more than a plaster held together by the fiberous pulp. for the finest work the method used is to soak seersl sheets of a specially made paper in a strong glue. Pasting these together, and pressing them into the mould of the shape required. The paper machie is left in the mould until it is dry. After removal from the mould the item is hardened by dipping in oil.
The style of painting employed on that paper machie was devised in Persia.,