Dual-Sex Life-Size 39-part Human Model Dual-Sex Life size 39-part Human ModelThis totally new life-size (68') male/female model facilitates an understanding of human anatomy like no other human
anatomy model in the world! The human that can be dissected, features a torso that has the skin removed from one half showing the underlying musculature of the chest, back, abdomen, head and neck.
The front wall of the torso detaches to reveal the inner structures and organs in tremendous detail. In all, 41 component parts can be dissected from the human anatomy model. The human anatomy
model comes with wooden roller base. The following parts are removable from the human anatomy model: 2-part head Brain half M. sternocleido stoideus M. Deltoideus M. Biceps brachii M. Triceps
brachii M. Palmaris longus with m. Felxior carpi radialis M. Brachioradialis with m. Extensor carpi radialis Skin of the left arm Muscled leg, upper part Muscle leg, lower part Skin of the left leg
Abdominal cover Mammary gland 2 removable lungs 2-part removable heart Removable Liver 2-part removable stomach Removable kidney half 4-part removable intestines 3-part female genital insert with
embryo 4-part male genital M. Satorius M. Gluteus maximus M. Rectus femoris M. Gastrocnemius M. Biceps femoris cap. L. with m. semitendinosus You get all this too with the human anatomy model! Over
$120 in free software accompanies this figure. Includes: 3B ANATOMYtrainerTM on CD-ROM 3B MUSCLEtrainerTM on CD-ROM CD-ROM with illustrations and descriptions of the individual structures in seven
languages. Extra shipping charges may apply for this human anatomy model due to its size and/or weight. A sales representative will contact you with a freight quote if this is the case. Shipping
charges are door-to-door.
Dual-Sex Life-Size 39-part Human Model Dual-Sex Life size 39-part Human ModelThis totally new life-size (68') male/female model