Odour description : Kanchan 6884 is a refreshing floral, fruity fragrance resembling natural yellowChampaca flowers. Top note Fresh floral jasmine Middle note Aldehydes,floral champa, sweet fruity Base note Sweet musky& woody Applications : Kanchan 6884 finds good use in body care cosmetic products, especially feminine. 1.5% 1.5% 8% 0.8% At 10% , itimparts rich floral fruity characters and gives body to the fragrance. 1.5% Blending : Kanchan6884 blends well with floral, fresh and feminine fragrances. It imparts a fresh top noteand body to the blends.
Odour description : Kanchan 6884 is a refreshing floral, fruity fragrance resembling natural yellow. Champaca flowers. Top note