Where can be used : Ladle Preheater, Heat Treatment Furnace, Core Oven,Paint Drying Oven, Generator, Dryer, Oven, Calciner, Ceramic Kiln, Light OilApplications, Indirect Melting, Aluminum Melting, Bale Out furnace, Non-FerrousMelting
Allied Products : Burner block, Sensitrol oil valve,Precise control valve, Screwed type butterfly valve, Primary air control Valve,Secondary control Valve, Air/Oil ratio regulator,Zone control valve, Pilotignition system, UV Flame sensor, Pumping unit, Centrifugal air Blower,Temperature controlled burner.
Optional Accessories : Pre heatedcombustion air upto temperature of 350C (Maximum) for fuel saving upto40%.
Mass Flow control System, Pressure Balancing System.+
Specialties : Manual Operating Burner, AutomaticBurner, Air/Fuel Ratio Regulating System
Advantages : Fuel Efficient by Better Atomization Uniform Heat Transfer, 10% savings will be possible by interchanging with any make burner.
ProductDescription : A burner made with CI bodyhas a primary and secondary air ports, supplied with Air Butterfly valves,Burner block, Precise control oil Valve (SOV) as a Package. Burner
is used inthe applications, where Fuel will be Diesel, LPG, Natural Gas, Producer gasetc., this burner is specially designed to avoid localized Heating, and alsodesigned to pass 350% Xces air
with burner.
Fuel Efficient by Better Atomization Uniform Heat Transfer, 10% savings will be possible by interchanging with any make burner.
Model Number: | 2422 |
Brand Name: | AXIS |
Place of Origin: | Tamil Nadu India |
Material: | Ceramic |
Type: | avoid localized heating |