Sell Oil Painting

We only create 100% hand-made reproductions. Remember, we don't sell any originals. We have only one quality, "the best -museum quality", and the prices are very cheap comparing to quality. Our prices are fixed and to know the details of our products and prices visit our website. To see the pictures of our paintings please look the top on left of the site-homepage. There is a link "photos", click it. There is some very important things-1) all prices at the website are in "rupees"- the Indian money. The approaximate convertion rate with dollar is - 1 $ = 43 rs2) all sizes at the website are in " inches".3) there are shipping cost (transportation cost) extra with the price.Please send your detail requirements early and then we will discuss the order sending, recieving, payment procedure and other things.We hope we will do very long lasting business and both will make profit.

We only create 100% hand-made reproductions. Remember, we don't sell any originals. We have only one

  • Medium:Oil
  • Country:India
  • telephone:91-03472-248629
Medium: Oil
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