Bourband's work on serigraphy is a search for new plastics expressions, which he certainly finds comprised in this ancient technique.
Bourband's experience with serigraphy proposes a return to the original purposes of this millennial technique. He work emphasizes the traditional crafty process of unique serigraphy by opposition to multiple serigraphies. His proposal opposes the most modern uses of serigraphy used to reproduce a relatively large numbered of copies after a unique work of art. This procedure became a common way to outreach more clients by lowering the cost of a unique work by producing a numbered series of copies.
LUIS CESAR BOURBAND, has been working in graphic design, drawing, painting, and engraving serigraphy since 1962. Most of his work has applied xylography, lithography, and etching.
LUIS CESAR BOURBAND, has been working in graphic design, drawing, painting, and engraving serigraphy since 1962.