The animals from the northern reaches of the African continent are represented by a camel with one of its humps in rather a sorry, floppy condition; and the Rhino and Elephant appear to come from from the Asian continent rather than from Africa. Often, the person responsible for engraving the plates had little more to go on than a rough sketch and a few additional 'word of mouth' details.
Our selection of African Animal prints form a complimentary addition to our range of African Maps as well as being useful as a group display. Although undated, the occasional anatomical 'inaccuracies' suggest that they were made in the latter half of the 18th century. These 'inaccuracies' lend some charm to the subjects which range from Buffalo to Zebra.
Histoire Naturelle - Le Jocko et Le Gibbon
Antonio Baratti - 18th Century
Item V22g - 27 x 36 cms - Price R560