I built up my painting website. You can see my free proportioned paintings in this website. As you see on my paintings website I paint the pictures in modern stile out of geometric formation.
American art specialists send me email and they told me their apreciations for my paintings like below;
Each time we return to your site we are amazed. We prefer two simple words to describe you: Different and fantastic. You clearly deserve a larger audience. We are certain that your art would sell
to potential buyers on the international market.
Free proportions in the painting art
From which frame we do see our environment? Square? Rectangle? Or circle? Certainly non of them is the right reply to that question. If we take a look at our environment, it will easily be
understood that our vision can not be restricted with any geometic frame. However when we get started to painting, canvas proportions used becomes regular rectangles or squares accordingly. Even if
the subject which is desired to be shown on the picture stays out of the frame, it is again resricted to a square. Therefore it is necessary to design the canvas shape prior to painting. These
canvas can be of any shape rather than regular rectangle or square. The canvas can be proportioned in any way for the desired subject, consequently painting will reflect and express the message
need to be given accordingly. The subject of painting need to be supported with the physical proportions of the canvas designed. Further more it is stayed out of the geometric formation.
My 11. Th personal exhibition took place in new York montserrat gallery in 2004.
I continue painting works with my own colours and lines, regardless of the photographical status of the environment at all.
In short, I have been tried to accomplish an extra ordinary study in this own right, originating totaly from my own thinking that have never been tried previously by the other painters... You are
kindly invited to visit my related web site presentation.
I built up my painting website. You can see my free proportioned paintings in this website. As you s
Model Number: | 4 |
Medium: | Oil |
Frame: | Yes |
Style: | Modern |