Dear Sir/Madam
We are able to offer right now, there are 210,000 pieces of knitted sweater in the warehouse of our linked factory from a canceled order. The quality is okay, but
the quantity is too big, factory only accept deal for all 210,000 pieces with best price, the goods is keeping in the warehouse well and buyers can check the goods.
If you can accept so big quantity as 210,000 pieces, then we maybe can do this deal because the price is very very good. I think the problem is only for quantity.
All these 210,000 pieces are sweater many many different styles likes attached photos. They are different colors and different sizes. The material is fleece, acrylic fibers or mixed. Factory
want to sale them as stock lots with best price, because the quantity is too big and it is impossible to assort.
With best regards
Mrs Nathalie Wretschko