The HRSG units are sized to recover approximately 75-80% of the thermal energy entering the device. The steam energy output is determined by establishing the thermal energy released by the
combustion system to the hot gases that will be entering the HRSG. The steam flow output is determined by establishing the desired steam pressure and the heat input. Steam production will vary
according to the quantity and temperature of the hot gases produced in the combustion system and the temperature of the boiler feedwater as well as the steam pressure desired.
Systems are offered with the following options to further increase the efficiency of the steam generations system:
Economizer installed in outlet of HRSG
Condensate Heater steam operated installed in the boiler feedwater storage vessel
Soot Blower installed in the HRSG to minimize the effects of ash carry
Deaerator installed in the boiler feedwater storage vessel
These heat recovery steam generator units are designed as fire tube boilers with a single pass of the hot gases through the unit with steam pressures up to 300 psig. Higher pressures are available
with water tube boiler designs. All units are designed with ample steaming volume to assure a good quality of steam generation. Steam is of a quality sufficient to enter into a steam turbine
generator unit.
Steam boiler systems consist of the needed equipment items to produce steam energy from the hot gases produced by the Challenger Combustion systems. These systems are made up of the following
Heat Recovery Steam Generator (HRSG) Boiler Feedwater Pump Skid
Boiler Feedwater Storage VesselFeedwater Treatment Skid
Steam boiler systems consist of the needed equipment items to produce steam energy from the hot gases produced |