Johnston Boiler Company is know for quality, dependability and efficiency. Johnston manufacturers the highest quality packaged boilers on the market. Our boilers are used for process as well as
commercial applications. With Johnston, we can reduce your operating costs. We have the highest efficiencies and best warranties in the industry. Our main products consist of water-back, firetube,
3- or 4-pass, steam or hot water boilers.
Our four pass design was first built in 1978 so that customers could have water back design reliability with the four pass design efficiency. Every Johnston 4-pass maximizes effective heat transfer
using a full five square feet of heating surface per BHP. Also, the rear tube sheet has only one inside and one outside surface temperature, which reduces stress and keeps maintenance to a minimum.
As the combustion chamber is part of the pressure vessel, internal water circulation is improved and overall boiler efficiency is enhanced.
Johnston Boiler Company is know for quality, dependability and efficiency. |