Cylindric bent pipe cylinders flown through by thermo oil form the heating surface of the heater. Within the inner cylinder the combustion chamber the heat is converted by radiation. In the outer
cylinder the heat is converted by convection.
The pipe system is covered by a gas tight welded coat of sheet metal steel. Inside-/outside cylinder and coat of sheet metal steel form the three-pass-system.
A mineral wool insulation, covered by a fine galvanized sheet steel coat, prevents heat losses and protects against contact.
Within the heater, generated heat by oil or gas flame will be transfered into thermo oil that is conveyed by a pump to heat consumer.
No permanent supervision.
Precise control and monitoring of temperature and capacity.
Self-cleaning effect by construction and high exhaust-gas speed.
Plain boiler pipes made of St. 37.8 I with certificate.
Optimal adaption to cramped space.
High operational safety by exclusive use of high-quality components and safety devices.
No overheating and cracking of heat carrier oil caused by limited heat surface load.
Trouble free operation and fully automatic operating method.
No damages caused by corrison in heater, pipe lines and consumers.
No freezing of heat-carrier oil (no damages caused by frost).
Compound connection of several heaters and consumers possible.
Different temperatures at consumers by secondary circuits.
Steam or hot - water production by heat exchanger.
High temperature precision by secondary circuits.
System pressure comparison at 300
Cylindric bent pipe cylinders flown through by thermo oil form the heating surface of the heater. |