Rated Steam Output
(F & A 100 deg C) (Kg/Hr)
This is a solid fuel fired steam boiler having much lower running cost than oil or gas fired boilers. Essentialy suited for those having big and continuous demand of steam, this boiler can work on wood, coal, agro waste etc. Excellent dry steam, great steam storage and automatic operation are unique features of this technological marvel. It has built in steam superheater, economiser and even air preheater. Low heat flux provides steam constantly and thoughout the load range at optimum efficiency. Boilers having steam capacities in the range of 100,200 & 300 Kg/Hr are available in vertical model. For sizes above 400 Kg/Hr, the construction is horizontal, fire tube design thus having lower descaling problems.
This is a solid fuel fired steam boiler having much lower running cost than oil or gas fired boilers. |