- space saving vertical vessel with top mounted vertically positioned flange heaters minimize scaling while simplifying maintenance and conserve valuable floor space
- incoloy? sheathed elements silver brazed to a mounting flange
- clean and odorless; venting not required
- quiet operation
- standard units designed to operate at 160 PSIG with the relief valve set at 125 PSIG; capacities up to 4950 kW and ratings to 2500 PSIG are available on custom order
- fully packaged to minimize electrical and plumbing installation costs
- designed and built to the latest edition of the ASME Code; compliant to SELO standards
- a wide variety of optional features available for customization to specific applications, including high/low temperature alarms, pilot light, proportional temperature controller, circulating
pump, motor starter, high/low pressure cutoff and more
- CSA approved; GOST approved for global markets
Features & Benefits At A Glance
The Caloritech VWB Packaged Vertical Hot Water Boiler is designed for use in water heating applications and are ideal for use in dual energy systems: electric-oil or electric-gas. All Caloritech
Packaged Hot Water Boilers are 100% efficient with over 98% of the energy consumed transferred directly to the water.