1 bulky in-directive it has two independent heat transmitter circuit, so that fast boiling liquid pass only the second circuit ,while absorbing heat in the first circuit(pipe liquid). 2 life spans, more than 20 years! any inner side corrosion will occur, because once it is fill with the liquid, no more new liquid will be added so no more oxygen will get in.also fast boiling liquid is semi-permanent because it is heat by passing only cooperpipe 3 reduction of fuel cost no new liquid will be added to boiler, so resource of scale will be cut, therefore no scale will composed and its heat efficiency will be maintained at the same level, it was first used, also compulsion ventilation will economize fuel 4 unnecessary of repair it is inevitable to have repair with old typed boiler, because corrosion in body and pipes progress and scale is accumulate. However two way circuit boiler has special structure, which means it does not have any scale or corrosion, so there is no need to repair 5 easy to install at a narrow place Able to install at narrow place, able to transport by separating part when its carry in path is narrow 6 clean fast boiling fast boiling liquid passes only heat transmitter cooper coil of the boiler, so it comes out with no rust stain but clean liquid 7 unnecessary to periodical inspection area of electric heat is lower than 14? , so it doesn't need periodical inspection