A Summary of Process Performance
The VF-5900, designed to process 300-mm wafers, can accept a stack of 12 FOUPs (Front Opening Unified Pods) and can continuously process 2 batches, each of 100 wafers. All the FOUPs loaded into the I/O port are conveyed to the buffer shelves. After that, only the FOUPs that are required are conveyed to the internal door opener. The wafers are transported in a vacuum-less environment by a highly reliable twin-arm this word means Z-theta movement robot. Ladder-type boat designed to minimize slip is a standard feature. The VF-5900 furnace uses an LGO heating element, and has a forced-cooling system to increase throughput. As an optional feature, N2 load lock can be utilized to maximize the processing capacity.
The VF-5900 furnace is a continuation of the VF-5300 model and has been developed to welcome the new age of 300-mm silicon wafers. The VF-5900 has a batch-processing system for the mass-handling of 300-mm wafers.
Vertical Furnace for 300 -mm Wafers