Excellent SafetyKyungDong Vacuum Hot Water Heater always maintains a lower vacuum pressure than surrounding atmospheric pressure and has six levels of safety features that protect it from expansion explosion and damage.Easy to Operate: No need for an inspection or a license to operateSince there is no threat of expansion, explosion or breakage, there is no need for a special inspection. KyungDong Vacuum Hot Water Heater has the most up-to-date control devices so that anyone can operate the unit safely and easily.One KyungDong Vacuum Hot Water Heater is all you needKyungDong Vacuum Hot Water Heater has hot water heat and circulating systems built into it which make it a multi-purpose unit. It has an independent heat exchanging system that keeps hot and cold water separately.
KyungDong Vacuum Hot Water Heater always maintains a lower vacuum pressure than surrounding atmospheric pressure |