A Revolutionary Concept
The Model FD68-LN burner combines Johnson's exclusive high performance, high efficiency Axial-flow burner design with state of the art flue gas recirculating technology to create a very
compact, quiet, and energy efficient low emission burner.
The concept is simple: to minimize NOx formation, the FD68-LN burner induces flue gas through a unique passageway and mixes it with the combustion air through a single centrifugal blower.
This technology provides the most quiet, stable and efficient combustion available from any packaged induced FGR combustion system.
At the heart of the system is an integral Variable Speed Blower (VSB), which represents a revolutionary concept in burner design. Johnson Burners with VSB technology have better turndown
performance, lower installation and maintenance costs (over other FGR designs), and up to 40% lower electricity costs. Substantial electrical savings means that this burner actually pays
for itself many times over. The Johnson FD68-LN is the only packaged burner with a payback!
The Johnson Advantage