17) Special boiler, has different dimensions can be manufacture according to customer demands.
16) Boiler water wolume is more than others.
15) Coal, prina, wood and wood shaving can be use as a fuel.
14) Fuel consumption is less than others.
13) Our product have two years warranty.
12) Provides 50 % economy than other fuels (Diesel, Fuel-oil).
11) Breakdown possibility is around zero.
10) It can be transform to gas and liquid fuel.
9) It is tested by 6 Bar water pressure during manufacturing process.
8) Easy to install stocker and high efficiency (84 %)
7) Perfect isolation with 80 mm glass wool. Heat loss is minimum.
6) It have casting grates. Grates are pieced type. You may change only old grate pieces.
5) With adding boiler, customer may have hot water.
4) It has own base. No need concrete base.
3)Our products have natural hauling, vantilator can be assembly depends on customer demand.
2) It is manufactured by thick steel plate. Heavier than other boilers. Its a central heater not only floor heater. Different between them is thickness of material. Product has two times longer life time than other products.
1) High efficiency with 3 passings and flame smoke pipe.