Furnaces are successfully installed MIP Alloy limited Chennai and other establishment. Furnaces are also offered in various designs to suit specific customer requirements. furnace also offered Oil and Gas fired version for direct Hardening and solution treatment of alloy steels up to 1100 Solutionising Furnaces for Alluminium also executed to M/s Apar Limited, Baroda. Galda Power & Transmission limited, Hydrabad, GTN limited etc.
Drop Bottom Solutionising Furnaces Suitable for
Solutionising of Alluminium, (600) Stainless steel and Electrolytic Copper 1050 offered with high precision regulation. Quench delay within 10 sec only. temperature uniformity with ?2 to 3.
Large capacity direct quench furnaces with mobile trolley systems and job hoisting system offered.
Drop Bottom Quench Furnaces :
Drop Bottom Solutionising Furnaces Suitable for Solutionising of Alluminium, |