FD-E burners comprise a burner windbox, combustion air
fan, a manual sliding damper fitted between the
combustion air fan and the air entry flange on the
burner windbox, a compact monobloc valve gas
train and gas burner controls mounted on
a control plate.
Standard control items include a burner controller, ignition
transformer and differential air pressure switch. Two 3-way air
valves perform safety checks on the air pressure switch in
both open and closed modes each time the burner fires,
allowing the independent operation of the combustion air fan
in conjunction with oven/dryer main recirculation fans.
Lanemark FD-E series packaged burners are
designed to offer low cost, high turn-down (gas only)
control for process air heating applications in
convection ovens and dryers.
FD-E series burners are particularly suited to direct-fired
applications and can be mounted directly on to the wall
of a dryer, oven or process air heating duct to operate
either in line with or at 90
Lanemark FD-E series packaged burners are designed to offer low cost, high turn-down (gas only) control |