Fluidized Bed boilers are the high efficient, fully automatically controlled, environment friend, water tube energy production boilers which fires the solid fuel as fine coal (0-10mm).Technical name of the system in English is Fluidized Bed boiler and in German is the Wirbelschichtfeuerungen.YILDIZ Boiler Co. has been installing Fluizied bed steam and hot oil boilers since 1983 under license of German Lenties Company.YILDIZ Boiler Co. installed over 150 each Fluidized bed boilers in TURKEY with such advanced system fort he industrial plants.For all over the world by changing the economic and consumption rate conditions of fuel oil and natural gas and the expenses of them showing the importance of this type of environment friend solid fuel firing Fluidized bed boilers.We have the steam and hot oil fluidized bed boiler capacities production up to 50 tons/h 42 bars 450
has been installing Fluizied bed steam and hot oil boilers since 1983 under license of German Lenties Company. |