Mighty-Therm MT Information
Service Location Size Range Available Sizes
Indoor 500 to 1825 Mbh 500, 600, 715, 850, 1010, 1200, 1430, 1670, 1825
Mighty Therm - Commercial - Hydronic Boilers
The MightyTherm series boilers and water heaters are Category I (non-positive vent pressure, non-condensing) natural draft appliances. They are available in a range of gas input rates (from 175 MBH
to 5000 MBH) (51.2 kW to 1465 kW) and firing modes (single stage to motorized modulation) to ensure efficient operation (up to 83%) with most building or process heat loads. The MightyTherm series
is available for either propane or natural gas fuels.
Service Location Size Range Available Sizes Indoor 500 to 1825 Mbh 500, 600, 715, 850, 1010, 1200, 1430, 1670, 1825 |