4 to 8 percent increase in the efficiency of the heat generator,
depending on the system return temperature and the flue gas
made up of a series of coils connected in parallel by an inlet and an
outlet manifold;
the flue gas flows perpendicularly to the tubes carrying the water,
and this cross-flow heat exchange optimises the efficiency of the
heat recovery unit;
the careful design of the shape of the tube bundle means compact
dimensions without affecting the flue gas side pressure drop, which
is almost negligible, as is the water side pressure drop;
easy and fast installation with direct coupling to the flue gas outlet of
the heat generator using a special clamp;
- the coils, inlet-outlet manifolds and skin-casing flue gas sealing are
made from stainless steel, making these components highly resistant
to corrosion due to the formation of condensate;
- thick, high density mineral wool insulation to minimise heat loss to
the outside, protected by a corrosion-proof plate;
- a special threaded attachment on the bottom of the structure can be
used to completely drain the condensate that forms due to the cooling
of the flue gas;
stainless steel support structure made up of completely removable,
high thickness section bars, and fitted with height-adjustable feet for
levelling the appliance.
Heat recovery unit designed for use in combination with hot water boilers, to recover the heat contained in the flue gas and then use this to heat part of the system return water before this enters
the boiler.