stable steam production guaranteed dry steam economical in operation easy cleaning minimum maintenance chequer plate platform on boiler top DANSTOKER's more than 65 years of experience within the construction, development and production of steam boilers, combined with the use of the latest technology, is the reason why the industry and institutions choose DANSTOKER's economic steam boilers. The DHF boiler series are designed and constructed in compliance to TRD (German Boiler Code) and approved by i) T.U.V. (German Approval Authority) ii) DOSH (Malaysia) iii) LLOYD's Register Technical Services Sdn Bhd.The Danstoker steam boiler, type DHF, is a 3-PASS fire-tube boiler with open bottom and well-dimensioned furnace-tube with cylindrical upper part, intended for combustion of solid fuel. The DHF boiler is designed to give complete combustion of the fuel and at the same time optimize the radiant heat in the furnace-tube, whereas the convection heat is maximize in the two subsequent fire-tube sections, all of which resulting in high efficiency and low fuel consumption. The DHF boiler is carefully insulated with 100mm mineral wool, which ensures minimum radiation heat losses and high efficiency of the boiler. The DHF boiler intended for mounting on a boiler foundation made of steel plate for automatic fuel feeding furnace system. It can also be designed for manual feeding. The boiler can likewise be fitted with an oil or gas fired burner. The DHF boiler can be delivered with boiler armature, water level control, safety devices for low water level and water shortage as well as control equipment for automatic operation. As the accessories, we are able to supply complete water feed units, water treatment equipment etc. The elegant amd maintenance-free finish in blue/red plastic-coated steel plates with aluminium trim gives the DHF boiler an attractive and modern design. The Danstoker quality control system (QA/QC) is your guarantee of the most economic and reliable production of steam. The fully automatic combustion system has been developed on the basis of many years of technical experience in the combustion of industrial waste. The system has been designed for combustion of all kinds of wood waste, straw Palm waste, cork, nut shells, peat, textile waste, briquettes and etc. The combustion system is constructed in the size of 200-5000 Mcal/hr (800,000 btu/hr-20 million btu/hr) depending on type of fuel. The modular construction of the combustion system with standard components enables individually constructed furnace system to be assembled to suit specific applications. ENCO also supply equipment for dealing with specific applications, for example outfeeding of large quantities of material, outfeeding and combustion of wet materials and briquetting plants. Our technical engineers are at your service for solving your specific problems