Advantages of Multipac Combines Steam BoilerThe design combines the advantages of low cost fire tube boiler with its large steam/ water drum and consequent low steam disengagement velocity, with the ability to arrange the water tube furnace. With its flexible combustion space so as to incorporate the type of firing equipment most suitable for a particular fuel and application. Water wall construction of furnace means less refractory maintenance, quick steam rising, and low carries over. Natural circulation allows safe and reliable working with steady output. Package construction considerably reduces installation costs at the same time eliminates costly civil foundation work. Provision of external furnace gives sufficient volume for complete combustion of fuels like coal, oil, bagasse, wood bark, rice husk etc. Choice of stationary, dumping or chain grate stoker depending upon the boiler capacity and fuel availability. Capacity Range: 2 T/Hr. and above
Advantages of Multipac Combines Steam Boiler
The design combines the advantages of low cost fire