System Definition: Main scope of the sysytem is to optimize thecombustion for maximum combustion efficiency and minimum emmissionvalues. The system which is based on micro-processor logic can
beeasily programmed according to the application types via its wide-rangeparameter selections (all combustion scenario). LAMTEC CombustionManagement System controls and monitors
the burners using its CO/O2 sensors with the closed-control logic inorder to get the best ratio (air/fuel) for combustion optimization.
Working Principal: Using O2 and/or CO sensors installed onchimney, oxygen/Carbonmonoxyde values are measured instantly andtransferred to main processor unit. In the meantime load
signal on theboiler is transferred to main-processor unit. These values are comparedwith the values recorded in its Capacity-Oxygen Curve and according tothe comparison results, positions of
servo-motors and drivers arecontrolled and monitored continously for each capacity point. The fuelactuators, combustion air damper/flap and driver with F/C follow thisoptimisation curve independent
from all fluctuations on the seasonalair conditions (weather temperature , pressure, humidity, dust..) inorder to get the best air/fuel ratio.
System Definition: Main scope of the sysytem is to optimize the combustion. |