HT 20.640 kcal/h - Fanned Flue
BT 20.640 kcal/h - Open Flue
BT Open Flue type HT Fanned Flue models in 20.640 kCal/h capacity.
% 92,42 efficiency.
Patented AFR system for the high efficiency.
Electronic modulation gas valve without step.
Graded automatic ignition.
Double heat exchanger.
Automatic by-pass.
Pump with automatic air vent.
System to prevent pump sticking operating every 24 hours.
Pressure safety valve on heating system operating at 3 bar.
Heating temperature possible range.
Flue heater timer. (optional)
Differential pressure switch.
Over heating safety thermostat.
Electronic gas control system.
Against to lime 4 different way
anti lime function.
In hermetic model fann stays in cycle.
In domestic water mode fann stay in cycle.
Across controll on NTC sensor.