The Oilon 6, 24 and 26 burners are fully automatic in
operation. The suitable burner type can be selected from
the series of light fuel oil burners, gas burners or dual
fuel burners. In their design, special consideration has
been given to economic and ecological factors, safety
and easy servicing. The gas burners comply with
standard EN 676, oil burners with EN 267 and EN 230
and dual fuel burners with all the above mentioned
standards and they are EU type tested. All burners are
adjusted and tested at the factory. The correct choice of
material and strict quality control guarantee high quality.
Due to tested components, precision burner heads and
clear and simple structure, the burners ignite easily and
the flame remains steady and sootless even in the most
difficult circumstances. Its high efficiency lasts year after
These burners are of monoblock type. The burner casing
includes single-phase motor, which drives the combustion
air fan and the oil pump. The burners are equipped with
one or two separately controlled nozzle. Control for burner
functions is built-in in the casing. The burners are
mounted on a hinged flange that can be turned either to
the left or to the right. In standard delivery the gas and
dual fuel burners turn to the left. The hinged flange makes
it easier to service the burner head, ignition electrodes
and nozzles.
The burners can be fitted on hot water boilers, on
steam boilers or on air heaters. They are suitable for
use in boilers with either high or low combustion
chamber pressure. The burners are intended for use
in covered areas.
In the different burner types, the following fuels can be used:
KP m odels: light fuel oil, viscosity of 4 - 12 mm2/s
at +20
The Oilon 6, 24 and 26 burners are fully automatic in operation |