All products are designed according to FEM and DIN norms. They are based on internationally accepted standarts such as CE (Conformity of European) and established a quality system according to ISO
9001:2000 and our aim is to improve and increase its effectiveness since then.
We are proud of to serve our experienced to many of the distinguished companies. We offer high quality products to our customers from raw materials to products, also to supply quality and
effectiveness after sales suport. Our products are competed with the world trademarks as quality.
Our factory and center office are in Turkey and we have branch offices in Algeria and Sudan. We export especially to North African countries and aim to be an international company.
Our Crane Industry, who have been one of the leader in their industry since 1980, was founded for manufacturing, installing, maintaining, selling and exporting the crane types, elevators and their
steel construction systems.
Our widely remark is as below.If you want to learn technical specifications of cranes and price please contact us.