Our precision engineered gamut of concrete weigh batcher (double hopper) is an effective device extensively used for weighing production of controlled concrete. For effective discharge of aggregate
in the mixer hopper, discharge chutes are provided. The concrete mounted on chassis of heavy steel section with four mild steel wheels enables effective lever mechanism for proper weighing.
Suitable design for M15, M25 & M30 are provided with: Type: Scale Type Size: 2.2 x 1.05 x 1.8 meters Capacity: 500 Kgs. (250 Kgs. Each) Mechanism: Lever Type Operation: Capacity of the hopper
-250/500kgs each Level the machine properly on platform. Clean the machine regularly to get the proper weights of sand & aggregate. Put the required weights in to the pan (100 kgs., 50 kgs., &
20kgs.) As per weight required for odd calibration, adjust the weight on the scale given. (10mm=1000gms) Unload the material directly in the mixer hopper, outlet given on rear side.